UNESCO – L’eccellenza del Patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale italiano

IT – Con 50 siti inclusi nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO (il Monviso, inserito nella lista il 29 maggio 2013 come Riserva della Biosfera nazionale e transfrontaliera nel programma Unesco “MaB – Man and Biosphere, l’Etna il 21 giugno 2013 in quanto “uno dei vulcani più emblematici e attivi al modo”, ed il complesso delle 12 ville e dei 2 giardini medicei della Toscana, gioielli del Rinascimento, il 23 giugno 2013) l’Italia si pone in testa a tutti i Paesi membri per numero di riconoscimenti.

La Dieta Mediterranea è patrimonio immateriale riconosciuto dall’UNESCO dal 2010  
Dal 2010 la Dieta mediterranea (cibo, benessere, cultura e tradizione) rappresenta insieme al Canto a tenore della Sardegna (2005), all’Opera dei pupi della Sicilia (2011), ed al Saper fare liutario di Cremona (2012), un elemento del patrimonio immateriale italiano presente nella Lista del patrimonio culturale immateriale dell’umanità dell’UNESCO.

La Dieta Mediterranea è la prima pratica alimentare tradizionale al mondo ad essere iscritta nell’ambita Lista.

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EN – Currently Italy is the country that has the largest number of World Heritage sites, with 50 total included the UNESCO list that is comprised of cultural and natural attractions. The latest recognition are the Medici Villas and the gardens of the villas outside the walls of Florence (Tuscany), added to the List on June 23, 2013, the Mount Etna, on the eastern coast of Sicily, the highest Mediterranean island mountain and the most active stratovolcano in the world, proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage site on June 21, 2013 for longest recorded history in vulcanology, after the proclamation of the Monviso mountain (situated in the northern Alpine part of Italy near the French border, encompassing a mosaic of ecosystems that run along a steep altitude gradient climbing from 450 to 3,841 m above sea level) wich on May 29, 2013 was added to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves by the International Coordinating Council of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB).

Mediterranean diet inscribed in 2010 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
The Mediterranean diet (food, wellness, culture and tradition) was awarded by UNESCO in 2010 with the title of Immaterial Human Heritage not only as a healthy diet choice but also as an important part of world heritage that should be preserved for future generations. The diet constitutes a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions ranging from the landscape to the table, including the crops, harvesting, fishing, conservation, processing, preparation and, particularly, consumption of food.

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